

Jagat Mithya. This World is an illusion. All that you see, hear, feel or taste is not true. That is what the scriptures say. However, what you shall see now is an illusion of the illusion. The artists are going to take you to the world of make belief. You will see things that you have seen elsewhere in your daily life, but are not existing here and now on the stage. Yet, you will see them. Isn’t it fascinating? So, Ladies and Gentleman get ready to enter the magical world of illusions.


Life forces us to hold back what is ours to give, because its contingencies are harsh. But deep down, we are ever compensating for each unkindness, undoing every act of refusal, because refusing to participate in the joy of others is to refuse to life itself.



One lakh dentists jobless, Colleges should be shut down. Times of India, 19th May, 2016. Friends, in this grave situation, what can you expect from a dentist? Modern life is not easy. A Doctor bound by vows fail to keep it. Medical representatives and pathology centres rule the medical world. Doctors are mere puppets. In our next presentation, we will see a funny day in a doctor and a patient’s life. It’s a dark comedy.

The Bird

At its core, freedom is an essential right that should be granted to all living beings. It involves the freedom to express oneself, make choices, and follow one's ambitions without fear of discrimination or oppression. Whether it is the freedom to metaphorically or literally fly, it symbolizes the desire for unrestricted movement and to rise above barriers to achieve new accomplishments. Ultimately, it represents the yearning for the autonomy to be true to oneself, live a satisfying life, and welcome all the possibilities that come your way.


Man and machine

Are we changing into robots? To save time! To save our energy! To gain more control! To gain power! But, unfortunately it takes a toll on our health, sleep and our life! The ‘power’ that fascinates us, is powerful enough to annihilate us. A machine that was meant to help us has turned into a demon.


The concept of man and woman being the source of creation on earth is deeply rooted in many cultures and traditions around the world. The idea of following each other like shadows symbolizes the interconnectedness of the two genders, and the act of embodying their creation through physical union speaks to the fundamental importance of intimacy and connection in the human experience. The casting of their shadows on each other represents a powerful symbol of unity, cooperation, and mutual support, reminding us that we are all inextricably linked in the web of life.



Once there was a pickpocket sly,
Dreaming to become a thief, oh my!
He acted on his wicked thought,
But soon he found himself distraught.

Into trouble, he quickly fell,
Trying to escape that dreaded spell.
In the chaos of his thieving game,
He realized his life would never be the same.

Caught in the web of his own deceit,
His cunning plans faced a tough defeat.
But from that darkness, he learned a lesson,
Nevertheless, he does not deviate from his intention.

Play for me

The ego is a fundamental aspect of human nature that develops from early childhood and undergoes various transformations throughout life. During childhood, the ego is particularly delicate and vulnerable. This is why children often engage in quarrels and conflicts with one another over minor issues, yet quickly reconcile and return to their friendships, shouting "let's play together!"



When we destroy something created, we are potentially destroying a possibility, a life, and potential beauty. It is akin to being a casual hunter killing for sport, without any purpose or consideration. Rather than destroy, we can choose to give it a new life and transform it into a work of art. This reimagining and repurposing can lead to new and unique creations that wouldn't have existed otherwise, adding value to the world and inspiring others.

Debotar Grash

The Mimodrama performance of the tragic story, based on Tagore's poem Debotaar Graash, uses visual interpretation to convey the complex narrative. The tale exposes the societal wound of irrational faith and orthodox belief system, with sacrifice of the marginalised child for the larger good. The Mimodrama deconstructs the linear narrative, using symbolic elements such as the black cloth hanging from the top to connect with the divine through sacrifice and rituals. The expressive body language and sounds create an intelligent sonic intervention into visual conflicts, allowing the audience to delve deeper into the story's underlying themes.



The story depicts the exploitation of a poor man, Dukhi, by an upper-class Brahmin, Khasiram, which results in Dukhi's death. The Chamaar community protests by refusing to remove Dukhi's corpse until Khasiram himself drags it out. The play uses scavenging animals as narrators to comment on the human situation. The human characters mime the story, and classical dance indicates class distinctions.