About Group

Embody is a group of young mime practitioners engaged in giving body to mental images not accessible to verbal expression, Ethology teaches us that the subtlest changes in our mood and thought are not literally translatable, but can be communicated as direct experience through the signals that our body unconsciously, yet constantly emits: all our expression, gesture, postures, and movements. We aspire bring this mode of communication up to the conscious level, making the body a cultivated medium of such expression. In other the names EMBODY signifies what it literally is: it strives to body forth those abstractions we call moods, sentiments, feelings, intuitions, and realizations. Therefore, we also style it Mbody, with initial M signifying mind, movement, music, and finally, Mimesis itself, in relation to the body.


My present work, as embodied in the current presentations of Embody, assimilates theatrical elements and techniques other than those of conventional mime in a way that would render mime more capable of reflecting the complex realities and realizations of contemporary life in their pathos, and currently, also in their grotesqueness and sublimity. With this end in view, this production exploits physical theatre, circus skills, dance movement and choreography to stress the fact that the performative art is not representational but symbolic in- essence.



Man & Machine

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